Saturday, September 8, 2007

A million miles an hour!

Usually I am the type of person going a million miles an hour, that loves getting involved in doing different things and staying busy. Currently I am involved in teaching martial arts, teaching 6th grade bible study, attending a young adult bible study, swing dancing, and recently trying to train for the MS 150 bike ride for charity. Today I realized though that one of the most dangerous things we can do is to get too busy.

Becoming too busy can confuse our priorities and make us forget what is truly important in our lives. Love, relationships, and people. Being involved with programs and activities is good, but not to the point where we can't see anymore why we are in these programs and activities.

Today I had to remind myself of my priorities. To take some time and to be still, and to remember the love, relationships, and people in my life. I had to remember the love God has shown me in His action of becoming a man known as Jesus Christ and bearing my sins. I had to remember the right relationship God wants us to have with Him, so that we can have a fullfilling life in this life and the afterlife. I had to remember God wants us to love all people so much so that we would want them to experience the salvation found in Jesus Christ, and to help them if they are in need.

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